Now I have to confess to not being a fan but hazel is and although we had seen Midge on tour playing at the Marlow theatre in Canterbury and the Mick Jagger centre in Dartford, it seemed like a good idea to see Ultravox on their special tour this year. Cunningly I suggested Bristol so I could see the SS Great Britain!!

They were very good (as far as any band can be playing predominantly 3 keyboards!) and I even recognised most of the songs/tunes. Of Course 'Vienna' took me back in time & with Ashes to Ashes back on TV I'm feeling quite 80's at the moment ...there was something about the Audi Quatro! Now before I start thinking about Keeley-Hawes back to Bristol and the concert. One of the bonuses was we were among the younger members of the audience! which always makes you feel better and by the end of the show I could even remember 3 band member names ! In addition to Midge there's Billy Curry and Chris Cross (easy names to remember ...but sorry mr Drummer you alude my memory) My musical taste is predominantly 60's,70's and 90's music from Jethro Tull (who I saw last year in Folkestone at the Lees) Pink Floyd, 70's onwards British metal & ACDC, The Levellers, Punk (Sham 69! from 'ersham hurrah), Blues etc etc. I do love my classics as well especially Vaughan Williams (Theme on Thomas Tallis, English Folk Songs & Lark Ascending of course)

Afterwards we returned to our Hotel at Filton via the Clifton suspension Bridge which looks great at night!
1 comment:
Splendid photo of the CSB!
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