This was made about 20 years ago and I think is an Emhar kit of a 'male' mark IV I think the slightly out of focus infantryman is a Revell 8th army infantryman in greatcoat as Emhar hadn't come out with WW1 1/72nd British infantry at the time. The kit is based on a wooden base with melted polystyrene tile covered in 'filler' and painted.
The weekend was productive, half of the wallpaper in the bathroom was removed and wall prepared for painting,also ten 15mm Minifig WSS British infantry and 8 WWI 28mm Belgians cleaned up and undercoated with white Halfords primer! The first Belgian line infantryman is almost painted as an experiment to 'work the colours out'. I have not come across any references for which paint numbers etc to use for Great war Belgian infantry plus I am weaning myself off enamels as Humbrol paints are made it seems for airbrushing these days hence why old tins go for so much on e bay!!. I am using Games Workshop & Vallejo Model Color acrylics. Below is the first Line Infantry test figure underway.

The good news for Great war Belgian army fans (I think I have definitly found a minority interest on this one!!!!)is that Brigade Models are working on the Machine Gun Dog cart teams!!! Greens below.

Well thats it for this evening back to Simon Scarrows 'The Generals' the second instalment of the Napoleon and Wellington story. Scarrow is an excellent writer and while much of the story is fictional embelishment of historical fact it is a good read although for relaxation I usually keep his latest instalment of his Roman heroes Cato and Macro for holiday reading. I noticed today that the next instalment after 'The Generals' is now being offered in Sussex/British Stationers at under £7.00 for a hardback!! damn I thought £8 in Asda was cheap!!
Really weird! I bought an Emhar Mark IV in Addlestone model shop on Sunday. I used to build 1/35 tanks and make dioramas when I was at school and have literally just been trying to find any pictures of there 1/35 infantry on the web (without success)as I fancied building a diorama to photograph for my Great War blog. Really enjoying your Belgians progress!
Addlestone Models the first model shop I visited as a boy, closely followed by Dorking models (which should be preserved as grade II listed!)Always pop in to Addlestone models when visiting parents in Walton. The Emhar 1/35 figures are not enlargements of their 1/72nd unfortunatly and probably not worth investing in will post pics if can find them...back to the action plan for the third sector!
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